Spring cleaning? Donate gently used items to our agency.

The spring purge often starts with the closet. As you go through school uniforms, pants, and shirts, consider packing up your unwanted things for the Children’s Home and Teen Shelter. What we are needing now- School uniform polo -shirts in all sizes/colors and...

Christmas Wish List and How You Can Help

We are blessed by those who have given to help our children and agency over the past 107 years of service. The community’s ongoing compassion for the youth in our shelters is truly something to feel thankful for this holiday season. The Children’s Defense Organization...

So many reasons to be “Thankful and Blessed”

Staff and youth at CAS – Children’s Home and Teen Emergency shelters – work hard to maintain a positive environment, full of thanks. Each evening before dinner, The CAS residents and staff share their “gratitude” and list those things for which they...

At-Risk and Homeless Youth Need Our Help

Understanding Youth Homelessness CAUSES:  Homelessness among youth fall into three categories: family problems, economic problems, and residential instability. Many homeless youth leave home after years of physical and sexual abuse, strained relationships, addiction...

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