So many reasons to be “Thankful and Blessed”

Staff and youth at CAS – Children’s Home and Teen Emergency shelters – work hard to maintain a positive environment, full of thanks. Each evening before dinner, The CAS residents and staff share their “gratitude” and list those things for which they...

At-Risk and Homeless Youth Need Our Help

Understanding Youth Homelessness CAUSES:  Homelessness among youth fall into three categories: family problems, economic problems, and residential instability. Many homeless youth leave home after years of physical and sexual abuse, strained relationships, addiction...

Many ways you can help!

Are you aware that contributions play a significant role in supporting the various services provided by the Children’s Aid Society programs and we are truly grateful for these donations! Your gifts help by sharing happiness (toys and outings), providing for everyday...

Thank you North Texas Serves for visiting...

Back to School Wish Lists

The NEW school year is now right around the corner, and the back to school madness is upon us. That’s why today we are putting out our wish lists for back to school needs!  There’s still time to make an impact on some of the most vulnerable kids in our community:...

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