by caswted | Aug 17, 2018 | Events, News, Uncategorized
Just a reminder about this opportunity to give and make a difference in the lives of many! Our agency, children, and teens need your support. ...
by caswted | Aug 17, 2018 | Events, News
How can a duffel bag or a suitcase help a child in our agency? It’s simple. They won’t have to carry their belongings from place to place in a plastic garbage bag. Maybe they can even hold their heads a little higher. They will move several times before the age of 18...
by caswted | Jun 28, 2018 | Events, News, Uncategorized
Back to School Dress /Grooming Needs School Uniforms (ALL SIZES) Gentle used or new accepted. Athletic/PE Clothes (ALL SIZES) Gentle used or new accepted. Backpacks Full Shoulder Strap or Drawstring New Shoes and Socks Body Spray, Deodorant, Hair Gel & Spray,...
by caswted | Jun 25, 2018 | Events, News
Follow this link to learn more how your donation can help our agency during Texoma Gives! One day… a simple online donation… with many lives changed!
by caswted | Jun 14, 2018 | Events, News
They come to us every day, holding the hand of a social worker. Some are runaways escorted by the security of a policeman. Their eyes tell their stories. But once at the shelters, the children and teens know they’re safe. From the abuse, neglect, abandonment,...