by caswted | Feb 8, 2021 | News
Canvases all sizes and colors (Flat or Framed) Paint Brushes all shapes and Sizes Acrylic Paint Mosaic Crafts Dreamcatcher Kits Make a Friend Fabric Animal Crafts Kits Jewelry Craft Kits Sticker and Scrapbook Kits Foam Art Sheets and Stickers Lanyard Crafts Perler...
by caswted | Jan 26, 2021 | News
DIRECT CARE STAFF WANTED for the 11pm-7am AND 3pm-11pm shifts REQUIREMENTS Requirements: High School Diploma or GED, 1-year experience working with youth (a MUST) Valid Drivers License, and TB Test. Criminal History /Child Abuse Background check done prior to...
by caswted | Jan 4, 2021 | News
Direct Care Staff 11PM-7AM and 3PM-11PM (Full and Part Time Available) Salary starts at $8.25 per hour moves to $8.80 after probate period. Some benefits for all positions (retirements/group plans) and Full-Time has health insurance plus paid time off. Seeking...
by caswted | Dec 10, 2020 | News
Help our youth shelter get ready for Christmas and for the New Year! We accept in-kind donations. To find out the specific items that are being accepted contact the office at 940-322-3141. If time or distance limits your ability to contribute but you want to donate...
by caswted | Dec 10, 2020 | Events
Our residents arrive with just the clothes they are wearing and we have to completely replace all their personal belongings. We have had several new residents to our shelters and we have been giving youth clothing and shoes to restock their wardrobes. This is where...