by caswted | Dec 17, 2021 | News, Uncategorized
It is the final countdown till Christmas. We have been truly blessed by all the community support and we appreciate everyone who has blessed our agency this year! We have just a few more items on our list that you might be able to help with. Cooks Suggestions: Wrapped...
by caswted | Dec 7, 2021 | Events
If you go to Kiowa Casino this week you can help with their “Cash for Toys Drive” .You can help buy toys for kids in need and you might even WIN BIG!
by caswted | Dec 6, 2021 | News
Thank you for thinking of our youth ages 2-17 during this special time of year! We are still needing items to complete our Christmas Wish List- Here is a Shopping list to Go By Board Games: Spontaneous Board Game, Sequence, Monopoly, Guess Who, Disney Villainous...
by caswted | Nov 22, 2021 | News
We accept in-kind donations. To find out the specific items that are being accepted contact the office at 940-322-3141. If time or distance limits your ability to contribute but you want to donate an in-kind gift for our youth, consider reviewing our gift list...
by caswted | Sep 30, 2021 | News
Fall Wish List – Pick an Item or a Category and help our kids this fall! Items can be dropped off or shipped to the agency at 1101 30th St., Wichita Falls, Texas 76302 Halloween Costumes (New and Used ALL Sizes), Crafts, and Decorations Hair Accessories,...