Summer Wish List- How You Can Help!
by caswted | Apr 12, 2022 | Events

Bug spray, sun screen, sun burn lotion, beach towels, swim suits, flip flops, floaties, sun glasses, and hats
Gift Cards for Birthdays and Misc. Needs. (Target, Wal-Mart, JC Penney, Shoe Stores, Beauty Salon, 5Below, Ross, TJ Max, Old Navy, Academy, etc.)
Gift Cards for Outings (Restaurants, Movies, Skating, Mini Golf, Bowling, etc.)
Gas and Grocery Gift Cards for Shelter Use
Ethnic Hair Products, Head Lice Shampoo/Lotion/Spray
Summer Snack Items- Store bought foods.
First Aid Kits, Lice Treatment, Band-aids
Craft Kits for all ages, Canvases with Acrylic Paint, Art Supplies, model car kits, Science Sets, Jewel or Diamond Painting,
Teenage Gifts for Birthdays – MP3 Players with Radio, Head Phones, Hand Held Video Games, Jewelry, hair Accessories, Make-Up & Make-up Kits
Cosmetics, Nail Polish, Make-Up Sets, Cologne and Body Wash
Diapers & Pull-Ups sizes 2 to 4T & Baby Wipes
Batteries (AA, AAA, C, D, 9Volt )
Out Door Summer Toys- Sand Toys, Bubbles, Kites, etc.
Sports Balls of all types
New DVD’s – (G, PG, & PG13)
Paper Plates, Napkins, and Solo Cups
Card Games (UNO, SKIPBO, Pokémon, Playing Cards)
Toys for Birthdays and Rewards- Lego set for all ages, sports balls, Hero Action Figures, Barbie Dolls, board games all ages, Match Box Car sets and tracks, Remote Control cars/trucks/drones, Stress Relief toys like Fidgets/Squishies/Poppers/Sensory Toys, Robotics Toys, and Building/ Teaching/ Sscientific Toys.