They come to us every day, holding the hand of a social worker. Some are runaways escorted by the security of a policeman. Their eyes tell their stories. But once at the shelters, the children and teens know they’re safe. From the abuse, neglect, abandonment, and parental rejection. Some have come before; some will come again. They stay until it’s safe to go back home or out-of-home care can be found. Our shelters are a place for children to heal physically and emotionally. Our youth may remain in care for a few hours, or for several weeks, or for a few months while waiting on a safe place to call home.

How You Can Help:

  • You could make a planned gift to the Children’s Aid Society by including the agency in your will or estate plan. Helping future children for years to come.
  • Donations of gift cards or gift certificates to events in the community or for shopping needs are always used and appreciated. This helps with shelter needs (for food and cleaning supplies) and youth needs (for new clothing).
  • Donations of paper goods (plates, cups, napkins, cutlery), cleaning supplies, laundry detergent and fabric softer, large trash bags, toilet paper, and general toiletries for youth.
  • Donations of kitchen cooking spoons, cake spatulas, cookie sheets, plastic cereal bowls, plastic drinking cups all sizes, plastic plates.
  • Donations for school supply and office needs include- pens and pencils, sharpies all colors,  copy paper, manila file folders, 9×12 or 10×12 envelopes, 1” – 3” binders, permanent makers-black, and masking tape.  
  • Craft supplies for the children and teens to use- canvas boards, acrylic paint, sharpies all sizes and colors, markers, map pencils, water color paints and paper, construction paper, glitter, glue, craft kits of any kind. Make great projects and gifts for our kids!
  • Please consider helping with a major project, special event, or becoming a board member.

We are truly BLESSED by our community support:

As you are well aware, contributions play a significant role in funding the various services provided by the Children’s Home and Teen Emergency Shelter programs and we are truly grateful for these donations. Your gift will help by honoring special occasions, sharing happiness, providing for everyday life (general needs items, toys, gift cards, & supplies), but most of all building a better tomorrow for all our residents…. once again THANK YOU!


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Children's Aid Society of West Texas
Hands to Hands Community Fund
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