We need your help getting ready for Back to School.
Folders (w/2 pockets and brads all colors plastic or paper)
Binders (1” to 3”)
10X13 Envelopes
Insulated lunch Boxes/Bags
2” Pronged Paper Fasteners with Compressors
Manila or Colored File Folders (Paper Sized)
Dividers (Write on)
Scotch & Masking Tape
Clear Report Protector Sheets
Markers (Fine Tip and Regular)
Liquid Paper and Liquid Paper Tape
1 and 3 Punch Hole Punches
Sharpies (large and fine tip Black & Color)
Sketch Pads/Drawing Pads
Blue/Black/Red Ink Pens
Mechanical Pencils
Dry Erase Markers and Wet Erase Markers
Graphing Calculators and Regular Calculators
Clorox Wipes & Hand Sanitizer
Zip Lock Bags (All Sizes)
Art and Craft Kits (Jewelry, Tie Dye, Model Cars, etc.) for ages 3 and up.
Backpacks Full Shoulder Strap or Drawstring