3 Ways Make A Difference This Holiday Season

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… unless it’s not. For many children and families, this time of year may be depressing, stressful or simply go by unnoticed due to more pressing problems. Below are 3 ways to donate to a child who might not otherwise get a...

Counting our Blessings….

When we count our many blessings know that we count you….. As the seasons change and the leaves begin to fall I look back at this challenging time of 2020. What an unexpected year. Adjusting to sheltering in place, PPE needs, cleaning at a level that no-one...

THANK YOU for Donating during Texoma Gives

Thank you for your recent donation during Texoma Gives to the Children’s Aid Society/Children’s Home & Teen Emergency Shelter. Taking time out of your busy day to share an interest in our services protecting neglected, abused, and homeless children in our...

Getting excited about Texoma Gives 2020!

Click the links below and see how you can help with our needs in September! Your gift can be 8 Times more Powerful when give to Hands to Hands Community Fund! Your one donation—during Texoma Gives—can benefit eight agencies. On September 7th your donation will benefit...

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