We are Hiring- Want to start a new career this Summer? (Fill out an Application online or in person. Interviews are done weekly) Direct Youth Care Worker – Shelter Care Staff (Full Time) ALL SHIFTS include weekends and holidays 3PM-11PM, 11PM-7AM (Part Time) WEEKEWND...

Job Fair

JOIN US FOR OUR JOB FAIR DATES: May 08-17, 2024 TIME: 9AM-3PM LOCATION: 1101 30TH ST., WICHITA FALLS, TX 76302 Call: 940-322-3141 Or apply online at: www.caswt.org JOB INFORMATION: Seeking mature individuals who are willing to work with youth ages 2-17. Must be...

Night-Night Needs

Pajama Drive-  We really Need Your Help!  What is a better way to start the summer than by providing a new pair of pajamas for a child in need? Maybe even add in a new cuddly stuffed animal for comfort! The bedtime routine most of us use to help our own children feel...

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