The Children’s Aid Society of West Texas Inc.Your support is needed:
Our youth are our hope for the future. Your support can make the difference in the lives of youth who are in desperate need of help.
How can you help?
Private donations to the Children’s Aid Society are always deeply appreciated, and are tax deductible.
Your support is needed:
Our youth are our hope for the future. Your support can make the difference in the lives of youth who are in desperate need of help.
How can you help?
Private donations to the Children’s Aid Society are always deeply appreciated, and are tax deductible.
Your support is needed:
Our youth are our hope for the future. Your support can make the difference in the lives of youth who are in desperate need of help.
How can you help?
Private donations to the Children’s Aid Society are always deeply appreciated, and are tax deductible.
Our youth are our hope for the future. Your support can make the difference in the lives of youth who are in desperate need of help.
How can you help?
Private donations to the Children’s Aid Society are always deeply appreciated, and are tax deductible.
Sponsor a wish list item:
- New clothes for youth ages 12 months-17.
- Toiletries (deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, conditioner, brushes, combs, hair accessories, cologne, make-up, etc.)
- Make-up or grooming Kits for Teens
- New shoes all sizes.
- Books and school supplies.
- Toys ages 2- and up.
- Art & Craft Supplies.
- Games and puzzles.
- Gift Cards for Gifts or Outings.
- Birthday/Gifts Items.
- VCR/DVD Movies.
- MP3 Players and Jam Boxes or Radios
- Sponsor an activity/outing for our youth through a monetary donation.
How You Can Help:
- You could make a planned gift to the Children’s Aid Society by including the agency in your will or estate plan. Helping future children for years to come.
- Donations of gift cards or gift certificates to events in the community or for shopping needs are always used and appreciated. This helps with shelter needs (for food and cleaning supplies) and youth needs (for new clothing).
- Donations of paper goods (plates, cups, napkins, cutlery), cleaning supplies, laundry detergent and fabric softer, large trash bags, toilet paper, and general toiletries for youth.
- Donations of kitchen cooking spoons, cake spatulas, cookie sheets, plastic cereal bowls, plastic drinking cups all sizes, plastic plates.
- Donations for school supply and office needs include- pens and pencils, copy paper, manila file folders, 9×12 or 10×12 envelopes, 1” – 3” binders, permanent makers-black, and masking tape.
- Craft supplies for the children and teens to use- canvas boards, acrylic paint, sharpies all sizes and colors, markers, map pencils, water color paints and paper, construction paper, glitter, glue, craft kits of any kind. Make great projects and gifts for out kids!
- Please consider helping with a major project, special event, or becoming a board member.
Financial Information:
2023 Income Breakdown
Program Income: 64%
County Income: 3%
Special Nutrition Program: 1%
Individual & Community Contributions: 10%
Government Funding: (Health and Human Services RHY Grant) 13%
Hands to Hands Community Fund 5%
Foundations 4%
2023 Agency Operational Information
Total Care Days or Nights of Shelter Services: 3,236
Number of clients sheltered/served: 205 (stayed in the shelters)
Number of Drop-In/Referral only clients: 11
Total Expenses: $1,404.312
Direct Services were 94% of the total expenses.
Support Services were 6% of the total expenses.
Many in-kind contributions help the agency meets the annual expenses.