Are you aware that contributions play a significant role in supporting the various services provided by the Children’s Aid Society programs and we are truly grateful for these donations! Your gifts help by sharing happiness (toys and outings), providing for everyday life (clothing & supplies), but most of all building a better tomorrow for all our children and teens.
Do you donate at the office?
Simply put, employee giving is the donations made by a company and its employees to nonprofit organizations. Employee giving can include employees volunteering in the community. Both are vital to nonprofit organizations.
Do you have a business and want to help your community?
A workplace campaign is an organized, company-sponsored fundraising drive where employees are asked to contribute to a nonprofit organization. Campaigns make it easy for employees to give – through payroll deduction. A gift can be made over the course of a year or at one time.
Our agency can receive donations through payroll deduction through the Hands to Hands Community Fund. If you are interested in hosting a workplace campaign this August -November or donating to our agency click this link to learn more about how you can help us and 8 more Texoma nonprofits with one donation. In turn your donation will help countless others. It is the gift that keeps on giving!